Millennium Characteristics


            I. No Religion: Revelation 20:1-3.


            II. Great Spirituality (Ecstatics) for believers in physical bodies at the second advent.


           III. Israel is restored as a nation of believers:

                        (Baptism of fire removes unbelievers) Isaiah 35:3-10; 11:10-16; 65:17-25; Zechariah 8:20-23.


          IV. Ushering in of true internationalism.



                        a) Universal Peace: Isaiah 2:2-4.

                        Verse 2 : “last days” — Millennium.

                                      “mountain” — Government.

                                      “top of the mountain” — Jerusalem, headquarters of the world.


                        Verse 4: “he” — Jesus Christ.

                                     “shall judge” — in the Millennium.

                                     “will rebuke” — at the second advent (Baptism of fire).

                                     “and” — in the millennium. Hosea 2:18; Micah 4:3.


                        b) Universal Prosperity: Business will go as normal, except there will be a perfect balance of supply and demand. Psalm 72:1-7,16.

                        Verse 1: “king’s son” — The Lord Jesus Christ.

                        Verse 2: “he” — The Lord Jesus Christ.

                                     “judgment” — justice.

                        Verse 6: Agricultural economy.

                        Verses 7-16: Universal prosperity.


                        c) Universal Knowledge of God. Isaiah 11:1-10.


                        Verse 1: “rod” — 2nd advent of Jesus Christ.

                                     “stem of Jesse” — Israel today.

                        Verse 2: 1st Advent.

                        Verse 3: Will judge on the basis of omniscience.

                        Verse 4: “rod of His mouth” — 2nd advent and Millennial rule.

                        Verse 8: “asp” — cobra.            

                                     “cockatrice” — spitting cobra.

                        Verse 9: Maximum knowledge of doctrine. Apparently learning reaches a maximum, an absolute. Salvation is the same faith in Christ.


            All worship will be centred in Jerusalem in the Millennial temple. Ezekiel 40-48. Churches only in the Church Age. Apparently people will route through Jerusalem from the ends of the world. Zechariah 14:16-19 explains how Gentiles will visit Jerusalem. Jews will show them around and will explain the meaning of sacrifices. It will be a means of evangelism as well, even as it was in the past.


                        d) Perfect world government under Jesus Christ: Zechariah 14:9, all functions of government will be headed up in Jesus Christ.



            V. Radical change in nature.


                        a) Creation will be loosened from the bondage of sin. Story of redemption of nature in Romans 8:19-22.


                        b) Animals will lose their ferocity — Isaiah 11:6-9; 65:25.


                        c) Plant life will abound; weather will be perfect — Isaiah 35:1,2,7.


          VI. Justice available to all: Isaiah 11:3-5; Psalm 72:12-14.


                        Murder will be rare because of the restraint in the Millennium. (It will be the unbeliever who is murdered) The Lord Jesus Christ will be present. He is omniscient. Visible. Believers in resurrection bodies and angels will be observing.


         VII. Life is extended and capital punishment is only used to enforce the law. Isaiah 65:20.


        VIII. Unbelievers are removed from the earth at the beginning of the Millennium, so we start with believers only — in physical bodies, who will procreate and repopulate the earth. Ezekiel 20; Matthew 25; Baptism of fire.


            There will be a population explosion because of perfect environment and no death.


            The earth can handle a large population on the earth during the Millennium.


            However, during the Church Age, the earth cannot handle a vast population of people. Consequently history has proved there are three ways that population explosions are cut down:

                        a) Famine (widespread starvation).

                        b) Pestilence (disease, widespread plagues)

                        c) War (millions die through this manner)           



Judgements at the end of the Millennium



              I. Judgement of Satan: Revelation 20:10


                        a) “Devil” — means accuser. Satan is a lawyer who pleaded “not guilty.”

                        b) God sentence Satan and fallen angels — Matthew 25:41.

                        c) Sentence is carried out at the end of the Millennium. They are cast into the lake of fire — Revelation 20:10.

                        d) He is the third occupant of the lake of fire — Revelation 13.

                                    First: First beast (Dictator of the revived Roman empire)

                                    Second: Second beast (Dictator of the holy land during the Tribulation)


              II. Judgment of fallen angels apparently a this time also. The sentence is the same — Matthew 25:41.


            III. Judgement of believers: Bema, Judgement seat of Christ — 1 Corinthians 3:12-15.


            IV. Judgement of the universe (destruction): Revelation 20:11; 2 Peter 3.

                        a) Revelation 20:11, “from whose face the earth and heaven fled away.”

                        b) Destruction is prophesied in 2 Peter 3:10-12.

                        c) Apparently everything goes into a gaseous form and will be used to enlarge the lake of fire to accommodate all the fallen angels and unbelievers — Revelation 21:1.


            V. There are believers in physical bodies on earth during these judgements and they will come through unscathed. Faithfulness of God. This is the faithfulness of God.


           VI. They will receive resurrection bodies before eternity is ushered in.